Friday, July 30, 2010

Honda Supra Fit Remembering History

Adi Prabowo Magetan Creativity origin, Central Java, not just deserve to be praised. His work reminds us of the history of bike-engined motorcycles. The difference, kitchen pacunya accordance with the development of the present era.

So, in addition to a large machine, the pedal is switched paddle Footstep. indeed, here Adi flashback to history by using the Honda Supra Fit 2009. "I want to look classic bike," he commented.

Some of the detail and body design leads to a form of deliberately made bicycle. All frame and body reorganized by youths aged 19 this year. Here he combines with a Honda C70 original framework that looks at the front.

For the front suspension was also picked from the C70, so that the visible shells. Parents so strong an impression, this section created Such Springer. And according to Adi just view simply because the front suspension remained normal tomorrow.

a few unique design shaped tank fuel reservoir dicontek from the coffin. The lid of the cube, inspired by the recognition of HD community.


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